GWT/ Eclipse: ClassNotFoundException com/google/gwt/dev/Compiler
i recently updated from GWT 2.0.4 to 2.1.0. Since then I cannot compile my GWT application anymore. When I click on the GWT compile button of the GWT eclipse plugin I get the following error:[详细]
2023-01-22 20:26 分类:问答java ClassNotFoundException for org.h2.Driver
I am trying to use H2 to connect to a database in Java (using Eclipse as the IDE). The sample does (below) throws a ClassNotFoundException. The thing is, I did add the h2 jar file to the system CLASSP[详细]
2023-01-21 12:32 分类:问答Android Socket + ObjectOutputStream not working correctly
I am developing a client/server program where the client is an android device. The server has a listener class that reads an object from the input stream. I created a client software for another COMPU[详细]
2023-01-20 13:34 分类:问答Android: ClassNotFoundException
I am developing an Android application at the moment, and I\'m facing a problem that i have no idea how to solve.[详细]
2023-01-17 06:50 分类:问答java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on working app
I have created and published my first Android app. It\'s very simple. It works fine on simulator and some phones, but I am getting this error:[详细]
2023-01-17 03:42 分类:问答ClassNotFoundException for one class but not another from same package?
I am working on a grails project and I have put a .jar file in the lib directory of the project. I keep getting a runtime exception for ClassNotFoundException in one of my java files that I am using[详细]
2023-01-16 02:33 分类:问答Problem in implementing Parcelable containing other Parcelable
I\'m implementing Parcelable class that has another Parcelable insde. In OuterParcelable class: @Override[详细]
2023-01-11 22:10 分类:问答Jar works with standalone Hadoop, but not on the actual cluster (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
I am trying to build my project using Eclipse on Windows and execute on a Linux cluster. The project depends on some external jars, which I enclosed using eclipse\'s \"Export->Runnable JAR -> Package[详细]
2023-01-08 04:21 分类:问答Trying to load .class files in Eclipse
For a class we were given a bunch of .class files that we are supposed to use. I have them located in a folder called lib. I think I added the folder correctly to the build path correctly since a fold[详细]
2023-01-05 08:40 分类:问答Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError java.lang.StringBuilder from code using java.lang.StringBuffer
I know there are plenty of questions regarding this error, but I haven\'t found it easy to find one exactly like mine.[详细]
2023-01-04 10:05 分类:问答