Where should you store templates in your couchapp?
In the couchDB guide, Managing Design Documents, they state that The _attachments directory contains files that are saved to the Sofa design document as binary attachments. CouchDB serves attachment[详细]
2023-03-08 16:27 分类:问答null key in from map/reduce result in couchdb
For some reason I\'m only getting a null key from map/reduce result in couchdb on mac Result: {\"rows\":[[详细]
2023-03-08 01:32 分类:问答Analytics counter using sofa and couchApp
Couch has a REST interface. This means that data-updates are exclusive to PUT calls. I\'m inspecting ways to implement a humble analyics counters, and came accross the features of couchdb, sofa and c[详细]
2023-03-07 19:23 分类:问答Allowing POSTs to static files in a CouchDB CouchApp
When serving static assets from a CouchApp (e.g. HTML and JS for a Backbone.js app), a 405 Method Not Allowed error is appropriately kicked when those static pages are POSTed to. However, when develop[详细]
2023-03-05 20:40 分类:问答How do you get a document ID in the success callback when using jquery.couch.saveDoc?
Example code is: 开发者_JS百科$db.saveDoc(doc, { success: function () { // Do something with the ID.[详细]
2023-03-02 20:25 分类:问答Is Couchapp a realistic substitution for a web framework? [closed]
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing[详细]
2023-03-02 11:41 分类:问答Is there a simpler Couchapp than Couchapp?
Specifically, I am finding \"evently\" to be a bit of a hurdle to getting started with Couch开发者_开发百科app.I really like the idea of an App served from CouchDB, but I want to get started without h[详细]
2023-03-01 17:06 分类:问答How do I attach an event handler to mustache rendering in CouchApp using evently?
Writing a CouchApp app using evently / mustache. I have a couple of \'widgets\', one has a link which triggers an event, and another is set up to listen to it. So far so good. The listening widget has[详细]
2023-02-26 06:40 分类:问答Couchapp && Evently && Mustache: How would I output subarrays?
I am working on a demo couchapp to output some contact data to a html-container. Right now, I am doing this by generating the html and appending it via javascript.[详细]
2023-02-24 06:54 分类:问答User Signup in Couchapp/CouchDB through jquery.couch.js or Otherwise
Background Right now, I\'m trying to build an app with couchDB/couchapp that would store persistent and crucial information from the user, and am stuck on the steps required for user signup with couc[详细]
2023-02-17 00:05 分类:问答