C saving strings to 2d array
The idea is to read strings from standard input until EOF is reached (in this format \"string - string\"). Then, break the string into two strings and and save them to a 2d array. The array is dynamic[详细]
2023-02-09 00:14 分类:问答how can I allocate and initialize an object, so it should not reload again when ViewDidLoad Loads?
I have initialized an delegate object in ViewDidLoad of my ViewController, but when I am again loading it, it is initializing the value aga开发者_如何学Cin.[详细]
2023-02-08 18:47 分类:问答-dealloc method not called when owning array dealloc'd... should it?
Here are two pieces of Objective-C code in a Foundation app. This piece of code is in a function: [arrayOfObjects addObject:[[TheShape alloc] init]];[详细]
2023-02-06 18:46 分类:问答Need help understanding a specific alloc/release idiom in iOS/Objective-C programming
I\'m an experienced C/C++ programmer starting to learn Objective-C development. I\'m currently looking through the UICatalog sample and came across another instance of an i开发者_如何学运维diom I\'ve[详细]
2023-02-05 15:38 分类:问答what is difference between alloc and allocWithZone:?
From forum discussion , seem like that the big difference is performance factor, allocWithZone: will alloc memory from particular memory ar开发者_如何学运维ea, which reduce cost of swapping.[详细]
2023-02-01 09:30 分类:问答How can i resolve this memory leak?
this is my snippet: - (id) initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame andConfig:(PGParams*) params { for (int i=0; i<[ count]; i++)[详细]
2023-01-30 06:45 分类:问答Is a memory leak created by a series of [array addObject:[[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:someVariable]?];
Do I create multiple memory leaks by: NSMutableArray *array=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [array addObject:[[NSNumber alloc] initWithBool:boolVariable1]];[详细]
2023-01-26 06:51 分类:问答iPhone Autoreleasepool and allocations
I\'ve been reading about autoreleasepool but there is a point which is a bit unclear to me. I have some functionality using threads that required seperate memory managment using autoreleasepool.[详细]
2023-01-26 02:00 分类:问答Does copy allocate the required memory?
Here is an example taken from Apple iPhone SDK project: @interface EADSessionController : NSObject <EAAccessoryDelegate, NSStreamDelegate> {[详细]
2023-01-20 22:09 分类:问答Objective C: [MyObject alloc] now crashes under iOS SDK 4.1
I\'m working on an existing, large-ish codebase, and after upgrading the iOS SDK to 4.1 I am now seeing very strange behaviour. The crux of the matter appears to be a particular class that will no lon[详细]
2023-01-16 04:21 分类:问答