Android touchevent--- need help/suggestion according to scenario
Now I have an ImageView and its a circle which is at the slightlybelow than center position (But this should not matter).[详细]
2023-03-20 03:55 分类:问答Android ImageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out
I want to Zoom-in and Zoom-out an Android ImageView. I tried most of the samples but in all of them the image in the ImageView itself is getting Zoomed-in and Zoomed-out, while I want to Zoom-in and Z[详细]
2023-03-19 22:25 分类:问答Scale an image up to fill entire ImageView in Android
I\'d like to scale an image up to take up the entire size of an ImageView.This is subtly different than using scaleType=fit_center because fit_center will leave bands around the image if the image asp[详细]
2023-03-19 14:21 分类:问答Scaling image of ImageView while maintaining center point in same place
I have set a prescaled Bitmap as ImageView\'s source. Then I\'ve read Matrix of an ImageView and shift Bitmap of an ImageView via matrix.postTranslate(shiftX, shiftY).[详细]
2023-03-19 01:25 分类:问答Android uploading pictures to server in most efficient way
I need to get images along with other data (very similar to email with attachements) to the server. I also need to do it in reliable manner so I can retry, etc on failure.[详细]
2023-03-17 16:17 分类:问答findViewById in Fragment
I am trying to create an ImageView in a Fragment which will refer to the ImageView element which I have created in the XML for the Fragment. However, the findViewById method only works if I extend an[详细]
2023-03-15 13:37 分类:问答Imageview in a TableRow
I \'m trying to display an image in a tablelayout. The image is shown once a picture is taken. When the image is displayed, it takes up the whole screen and a result my buttons disappear.[详细]
2023-03-15 02:20 分类:问答How to set ImageView to chang color of foreground when click?
I want to call image from s开发者_运维技巧erver and I use image in background of imageview when I click on button it will change foreground color of imageview to black (still show image but darker)[详细]
2023-03-13 13:08 分类:问答Resize a bitmap as big that the screen can in Android
I\'m using methods to edit the dimensions of a picture but I can\'t size it to take the entiere screen... I already try to put \"FILL_PARENT\" as an argument but it doesn\'t work![详细]
2023-03-12 22:31 分类:问答getImageResource() Android. Is this possible?
I have set an image for an ImageView using the setImageResource(R.drawable.icon1). Now my requirement is to find out what is the image that is set for an ImageView and do some processing.[详细]
2023-03-12 20:06 分类:问答