目录1. 注解开发依赖注入1.1 使用@Autowired注解开启自动装配模式1.2 使用@Qualifier注解指定要装配的bean名称1.3 使用@Value实现简单类型注入2. 注解开发管理第三方Bean2.1 单独定义配置类2.2 将独立的配置类加入核[详细]
2022-12-24 10:24 分类:开发 How can I revoke file removal scheduled by the previous installation with Inno Setup
I have release an application with Inno Setup. Sadly this application had installed a DB file as a source file, so if the application is uninstalled then entire DB file is removed.[详细]
2022-12-16 10:48 分类:问答