

  • Monitor files similar to System Internal's/Microsoft's FileMon/Process Monitor

    I need to generate an event when a file is closed by another app. Unfortunately, ReadDirectoryChangesW doesn\'t report the close event. It would be possible for me to poll (with a TTimer) any file th[详细]

    2022-12-25 00:52 分类:问答
  • Content-type not working in PHP

    I have some issues with a PHP file that is not working properly. The Content-type does not get recieved by any browser at all. Firebug interprets the file as text/html instead of css. Here\'s the file[详细]

    2022-12-25 00:47 分类:问答
  • 虫草多少钱一根啊??

    _WeCh****84793 开发者_如何学Python2022-04-18 12:06 一般大草特别大的虫草,一根的价格是50元到100元不等,小草的价格是15元-30元不等。冬虫夏草是一种体内有寄生真菌的虫草蝙蝠蛾幼虫,与野生人参和鹿茸并称[详细]

    2022-12-25 00:38 分类:问答
  • 微信网名简单大方女生?

    马甲不要钱0000 2022-04-18 14:53 、下⒈秒、Shi谁在等待。 离人梦v 小情歌 梗塞的痛⒈小我恬静接受ら 何须。徦装 ﹌寂寞的寂寞就是恋爱 时刻不忘ヾ 昦小感情。 ╰心结贯串心扉 幸福太贵丶你我都给不起 街角の[详细]

    2022-12-25 00:33 分类:问答
  • I want to "clone" google calendar's interface with c# .net

    What would you recommend me to do in order to accomplish that? I\'m developing a Scheduling software and i love google\'s interface (view in day, week, month) but i\'m thinking in doing everyt开发者_如[详细]

    2022-12-25 00:04 分类:问答
  • C++: String and unions

    I\'m having a (design) problem: I\'m building an interpreter and I need some storage for variables. There are basically two types of content a variable here can have: string or int.[详细]

    2022-12-24 23:44 分类:问答
  • Obj-C crashes on substringWithRange message

    The following code is making my app crash at line 3 without an error I would recognize or know how to deal with. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?[详细]

    2022-12-24 23:40 分类:问答
  • 洛阳神赋图是谁画的啊??

    pol****0365 2022-04-19 01:18 《洛神赋》是中国三国时期曹魏文学家曹植创作的辞赋名篇。曹植模仿战国时期楚国宋玉《神女赋》中对巫山神女的描写,叙述自己在洛水边与洛神相遇的故事,在故事情节、人物形象描[详细]

    2022-12-24 23:25 分类:问答
  • Setting zoom level on mobile browser

    I am designing website for mobile access and I want to set page width, height and button sizes, so they display filling u开发者_Go百科p the screen. For example if user is using HTC HD , the whole scre[详细]

    2022-12-24 23:14 分类:问答
  • 巢林一枝的意思是什么?


    2022-12-24 22:35 分类:问答