

  • What exactly does homoiconicity mean?

    I was trying to understand the Wikipedia article on homoiconity, but it\'开发者_如何学JAVAs too verbose and does not explain the main theory behind the word concisely. I should add that I\'m not a nat[详细]

    2023-03-15 12:00 分类:问答
  • Homoiconicity and SQL

    I\'m currently using emacs sql-mode as my sql shell, a (simplified) query response is below: my_db=# select * from visit limit 4;[详细]

    2023-01-26 12:00 分类:问答
  • XML Meta Schema

    Since XML schemata (XSD) are themselves XML files, it should be possible to build a schema of a schema (meta-schema), right?[详细]

    2023-01-04 03:11 分类:问答
  • Traversing Scheme function as a list

    Isn\'t it possible to treat functions in Scheme as any other list? Basically, what开发者_开发知识库 I want do to is something like this:[详细]

    2022-12-21 23:05 分类:问答