Missing Full Text Index System View In Sql Server 2008
I\'ve been reading about the system view: sys.dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document on msdn but ca开发者_运维技巧n\'t find the view in my 2008 database.Anyone know if it should be there by default?It\'s a[详细]
2023-01-27 11:19 分类:问答Is there a view in SQL Server that lists just primary keys?
I\'m working with SQL Server and trying to do a little \"reflection,\" if you will. I\'ve found the system view sys.identity_columns, which contains all of the identity columns for all of my tables.[详细]
2023-01-16 15:20 分类:问答Finding table and column information from all_tab_cols
I am trying to identify table types based on the columns they contain in a stored procedure.The query I initially came up with is as follows:[详细]
2022-12-21 01:46 分类:问答