How can I get the HTML from a web page in Bada?
I don\'t know what other details I should provide. But I am very disoriented. I am not a web developer so I don\'t know what classes to use. It\'s not like I can tell the 开发者_JAVA百科difference bet[详细]
2023-01-07 19:20 分类:问答How can I pass controls as reference in Bada?
In the big picture I want to create a frame based application in Bada that has a single UI control - a label. So far so good, but I want it to display a number of my choosing and decrement it repeated[详细]
2023-01-07 07:39 分类:问答SVG decoding - portable solution
I need fully functional vector format, which i can decode to plain bitmap data in my app. It doesn\'t need to be SVG, but it seemed best (but other suggestions are welcome). So, i need an lib to simpl[详细]
2023-01-07 05:55 分类:问答Problem debugging C++ with an Eclipse based IDE
This is a weird question in that I\'m not sure where to start looking. First of all, I haven\'t done any C++ programming for the last 10 years so it could be me thats forgotten a few things. Sec开发者[详细]
2023-01-07 04:41 分类:问答Detect compilation on Bada OS
I would like to do something similar to #ifdef __linux__, but with the bada SDK. Is there a constant defined by default?[详细]
2023-01-05 21:44 分类:问答Maximum application size of android & BADA platform
what is maximumsize of thick/thin client application(开发者_运维百科to d/w through OTA) in both Android & Samsung Bada platform ?yokks, you need to have a look @ this thread Android - Application[详细]
2023-01-05 07:38 分类:问答Image manipulation library for mobile application
I need a C/C++ image manipulationlibrary for mobile image application, The library should have Brightness/contrast[详细]
2023-01-02 12:05 分类:问答Monitoring GPS Coordinates
I need to monitor GPS Coordinates changes at every 15 min and take action based on that. as per bada developer guide report \"o开发者_运维知识库nly one application allowed to run at a timeif another a[详细]
2023-01-02 05:04 分类:问答J2ME UI on Samsung Bada platform
When a J2ME application runs on Samsung phone withSamsung Bada an OS that supports TouchWhiz (GT-S5320, in my case),a virtual keypad is shown on the screen by default and always! This virtual keypad c[详细]
2023-01-02 02:34 分类:问答Does Bada support the use and creation of dynamic link libraries for applications?
As I know Samsung Bada is not operating system but, just wonder if I can develop DLL like shared library 开发者_运维百科for Bada applications.You cannot create shared libraries, but you don\'t really[详细]
2022-12-21 00:22 分类:问答