Should I always use GL_CULL_FACE?
Should I always be using this method when rendering? Does it slow down much on bad graphics cards? If the end result will not have many culled faces, should I even be us开发者_如何转开发ing this meth[详细]
2022-12-21 23:08 分类:问答昨天凌晨青你3被责令停录 官方下场回应接受批评?
昨天凌晨青你3被责令停录,官方下场回应接受批评。 说实话南风也是没想到,竟然有幸见证这么值得载入史册的一刻,选秀搞了这么多年,还是头一次见到这么大阵仗,这次的严重性大家可想而知。[详细]
2022-12-21 09:56 分类:问答Opengl Depth buffer and Culling
Whats\'s 开发者_如何转开发the difference between use back face culling and a buffer of depth in OpenGL?Backface culling is when OpenGL determines which faces are facing away from the viewer and are th[详细]
2022-12-20 03:53 分类:问答官不修衙民不下一句是什么呢??
梦想起点是终点 2022-06-28 08:42 开发者_如何学运维 官员任期只有三五年,所谓铁打的衙门流水的官,官员没有必要修建豪华衙门;官员迷信风水,认为已有的官衙都是以前选好的风水宝地,没有必要再重新修建;但根[详细]
2022-12-16 18:10 分类:问答