CDI SessionScoped Bean instance remains unchanged when login with different user
I\'ve been looking for the workaround of this problem for rather plenty of time and no result, so I ask question here.[详细]
2023-04-13 03:27 分类:问答CDI and Bean Validation in Java EE 5 Application Server?
CDI and Bean Validation are Java EE 6 Standard Specifications. Nevertheless, I can use both within Java EE 5 Application Servers (and also within Java SE) by just adding the libraries to the project.[详细]
2023-04-11 15:27 分类:问答Spring 3.0 Disable @Inject Annotation Processing
Is there a way to disable the @Inject annotation processing of spring 3.0? I\'m trying to use the CDI @Conversation Scope t开发者_开发百科ogether with spring, but when it comes to[详细]
2023-04-11 08:26 分类:问答does this JSF pattern break dependency injection?
I have a JSF2 project (Mojarra on GlassFish 3.1). I have a ViewScoped bean that references services through a utility class like so:[详细]
2023-04-11 05:34 分类:问答CDI Extensions: Can I expose one interface in two scopes?
I have an interface in a unit testing framework: CDIMocker. I\'m currently using an interceptor to allow mocking in a CDI container. It\'s an experiment - one of a couple of approaches to unit testing[详细]
2023-04-10 14:54 分类:问答Providing EntityManager by an @ConversationScoped method
I tried to run the simple JEE6 application generated by maven archetype groupId: org.fluttercode.knappsack , artifactID: jee6-sandbox-archetype in JBoss7.[详细]
2023-04-10 06:10 分类:问答security-role-mapping not working with file descriptor
Using glassfish 3.1.1 for a Java EE6 project the security role mapping as defined in glassfish-web.xml has no influence on the \'user - role\' mapping.[详细]
2023-04-09 13:21 分类:问答Hibernate Proxy Inheritance Issue
I am using the inheritance strategy table per concrete class and today I faced something very strange. I still don\'t know the reason for that problem but let me explain what it is...[详细]
2023-04-08 20:58 分类:问答CDI Injection into a FacesConverter
From just a few searches, this seems like a problem that has been around for a while.I have written a FacesConverter that looks like the following.The object Category is a JPA entity and CategoryContr[详细]
2023-04-07 17:04 分类:问答Weld and Java SE
I\'m new to Weld and have been trying to get my head around it\'s concepts. I have a little experience with Spring and nothing with Guice, so I\'m pretty much a novice with the DI frameworks.[详细]
2023-04-07 14:02 分类:问答