ASP.NET MVC does browser refresh make TempData useless?
If I redirect to a new page passing TempData to initialise the page it works fine, however if the user presses the refresh button in their browser the TempData is no-long开发者_如何学运维er available.[详细]
2022-12-27 03:05 分类:问答Which pattern is good for bullets hit test in game that need server validates?
I would like to design a PvP game uses flash in client and java socket server, but I do need server validates trajectory and if bullets hit target from cheating.开发者_如何学C[详细]
2022-12-27 02:13 分类:问答三角龙是谁画的啊??
_CFT01****84开发者_Python百科603 2022-03-30 08:34 螺纹是成交额来算的现在主力1905一吨是3500成交额的万分之一也就是一手三块五毛钱的费用保证金也就是4000左右深圳旅游爱好者[详细]
2022-12-27 01:33 分类:问答Mac OS X: getting names of changed/written files
I remember having a command line tool on an older Mac OS X version (Tiger?) that told me the name of every file that was written to (or read) by any process on the system. It used fseventd (? or somet[详细]
2022-12-27 01:11 分类:问答激光切割多少钱一台啊?激光切割多少钱一台?
alamhan2006 2022-03-29 23:59 《说文解字》的作者是许慎,《说文解字》,简称《说文》,汉朝许慎编著,是首部按部首编排的汉语字典。原书作于100年到121年,现已失落,传至今日的大多是宋朝版本,或是清朝的段[详细]
2022-12-27 00:36 分类:问答《光阴之下》MP3歌词-Assen捷?
光阴之下 Assen捷 专辑:光阴之下 语种:国语 本歌词于吾爱知道收集 光阴之下 - Assen捷/五音Jw/Smile_小千/李蚊香[详细]
2022-12-26 19:49 分类:问答Is there a clean cut way of adding NOP records to an AFP file using Java?
I have created an AFP file using embedded FOP Trunk. Since FOP Trunk does not support the no-operation tag dire开发者_Python百科ctly under root I need to modify the created file to add a NOP record as[详细]
2022-12-26 11:02 分类:问答WPF RichTextBox - Selected Block?
I am experimenting with the WPF RichTextBox and notice that I can ittera开发者_如何转开发te through the blocks that make up its document by looping through RichTextBox.Document.Blocks.[详细]
2022-12-25 01:09 分类:问答File sharing discovery in Cocoa
I\'m tryi开发者_如何学Gong to programmatically discover and then mount network volumes shared using OS X\'s file sharing from a Cocoa app. I\'m using NSNetServiceBrowser to discover which servers are[详细]
2022-12-20 04:04 分类:问答Determine AFP share from a file URL
I writing an application to copy some files to a certain location. It allows the user to choose the destination, which is always on an AFP share. This is done with a NSOpenPanel. The URL that gets ret[详细]
2022-12-20 01:13 分类:问答