How do I concatenate two AFP files together
I have two AFP files and I want to concatenate them together, how can I accomplish this. I have written java code to concatenate them, using BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream and the result[详细]
2023-04-08 05:20 分类:问答孕16周hcg和afp值都大于1时是男是女??
邵秀珠 2021-04-06 10:12 唐式筛查从本质上讲是一种通过抽取孕妇血液化验血清中甲型胎儿蛋白(AFP)绒毛促性腺激素(HCG)和游离雌三醇的浓度,并结合孕妇自身的孕周、身体状况等来判断胎儿是否有先天畸形的风险[详细]
2023-03-10 09:48 分类:问答symbolic links work when shared to Windows or Linux (smb), but broken when shared to Mac (afp or smb)
On a Mac, I have a shared folder, ~\\Documents. There are two subfolders, Da开发者_高级运维ta and Data_2011, the former containing folders of files from the last several years, and the latter containi[详细]
2023-02-06 02:48 分类:问答AFP or SMB file links in a url
Is it possible to create a url in the form of afp://server/share/someDirectory/someFile.ext to when you open it开发者_运维百科 on a mac in safari, or through mail, it navigates to that folder or file?[详细]
2023-01-20 04:23 分类:问答一点点的加盟费多少钱啊??
小僧20开发者_StackOverflow中文版15 2022-03-06 06:17 一点点奶茶加盟费多少钱解答: 一点点奶茶加盟费并不多,大概数额也就在数十万左右。不过,这仅是它的品牌加盟费,并不是它的开店总投资费用。那么,开这[详细]
2022-12-30 02:39 分类:问答拼多多保证金多少钱啊??
原味小仙女 2022-03-08 01:53 如图所示在拼多多上开店需要交的保证金: 保证金是指买方或卖方按照交易市场规定标准交纳的资金,专门用于订单交易的结算和履行约定的保证。在法律对于保证金缺乏明确规范的背景下[详细]
2022-12-29 23:55 分类:问答RSS Reader - plist or core data
I am creating an RSS reader purely for my own educational purposes and am so开发者_如何学C far using plists to persist the feed references, unread counts etc.[详细]
2022-12-29 23:15 分类:问答jquery, attaching objects (instead of string attribute) to an element
I\'m trying to build DOM with jQuery and fill it with data that is received with AJAX (data type = json). I\'d like to also store this data as an object, attached to a specific DOM element. Does jQuer[详细]
2022-12-29 22:29 分类:问答