how to set for system's timezone with mysql timezone?
When I used for below function, SELECT timediff( now() , convert_tz( now() , @@session.time_zone ,\'+00:00\')) ;[详细]
2023-04-12 16:36 分类:问答Converting a UTC time string to Unix time
In my database, I\'m storing time as a BIGINT UTC value. In my test data SQL dump I\'d like to see the time in UTC for readability. However, the MySQL unix_timestamp function expects time in the loc[详细]
2023-03-26 16:44 分类:问答Solr: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Invalid Date String:
I am new to solr and this is my first attempt at indexing solr data, I am getting the following exception while indexing,[详细]
2023-03-02 22:08 分类:问答comparing multiple dates within mySQL
We are working on a booking system that needs to support split appointments.These appointments have a first half, a break during which something else can be booked and then the second half.[详细]
2023-02-26 22:03 分类:问答HQL with convert timezone
I have the following query in SQL Select count(*) as cnt, DATE_FORMAT(CONVERT_TZ(wrdTrk.createdOnGMTDate,\'+00:00\',:zone),\'%Y-%m-%d\') as dat[详细]
2023-02-17 15:14 分类:问答Changing mysql time
I have a table , in which there is a date column. This column is of type timestamp. Data in column is showing time in IST time zone . I want to convert it\'s data into another timezone.[详细]
2023-02-07 10:50 分类:问答How to store datetimes in UTC and local timezone
What is a practical way to store datetimes so that I can let users view/query data as of their own local time while keeping information about the original datetime.[详细]
2023-02-03 20:41 分类:问答Detect if a date is in Daylight saving time in MySql
I have inherited a legacy application where all the dates and times are stored in the local timezone (UK).I am not in a position to change how these are stored.[详细]
2023-01-21 15:34 分类:问答MySQL default time format UTC or GMT?
Hi I\'m so confused with this UTC and GMT I\'m inserting in MySQL table as ex column \"event_date\" like \"2010-07-01 23:50:00\" (datetime) my client asking an option in front end as GMT +1 GMT +2 G[详细]
2023-01-11 01:19 分类:问答grails/mysql timezone change
Whats the best way to accomplish changing the timezone of an app?The way I see it the following must occur:[详细]
2023-01-10 02:52 分类:问答