Using Devise to create private profiles
I am currently trying to create private user profiles using the Devise gem.So far I have the sign up, login, sign out and edit profile functionality working.The problem is that when 开发者_如何转开发a[详细]
2023-04-06 03:05 分类:问答400+ms overhead anytime rails accesses current_user
my apps views are taking anywhere from 800-2000m开发者_StackOverflow社区s to load according to the logs.[详细]
2023-04-06 01:54 分类:问答Devise - create user account with confirmed without sending out an email?
I integrated 开发者_运维知识库devise with facebook. Now when I create a user account after the user has logged in with his/her facebook account,[详细]
2023-04-05 23:07 分类:问答devise helper method, confirm! cannot be used/found within factory setup
all, language: Ruby on rails version: rails 3 gems in question: devise and factory_girl_rails I refered to[详细]
2023-04-05 21:31 分类:问答Devise custom sign_in error
I have a custom SessionsController using Devise, when i browse /users/sign_in and enter some authdata then submit, have some errors.[详细]
2023-04-05 20:43 分类:问答Setting up recaptcha with devise rails 3.1
I followed the devise wiki here and I get a template error when I try to create a new user. This is what I have done.[详细]
2023-04-05 19:21 分类:问答Devise rake db:migrate fails because of duplicate column in my User's table - Rails 3.1
This is the error I get when I am first installing Devise and running rake db:migrate: ==AddDeviseToUsers: migrating ===============================================[详细]
2023-04-05 18:03 分类:问答How to remove a user with Devise and CanCan
As the title states, I want to make it so that an admin may delete a user by clicking on a link that is on their show.html.erb page.[详细]
2023-04-05 17:10 分类:问答How do I get the email from an ID when using devise?
So let\'s say I\'ve got a hypothetical: @post.user_id where User has_many posts and I\'m using devise, I\'d like to do something like:[详细]
2023-04-05 16:56 分类:问答Omniauth + Facebook Mutual Friends Count
Is there a better/easier way to find mutual friends between users than creating a Friends table and logging the UIDs of each new user\'s friends? (Using Devise + O开发者_如何学JAVAmniauth on Rails 3)Y[详细]
2023-04-05 16:50 分类:问答