偷心人 2022-07-01 16:06 在中国总是从崇尚能解决的就不要吃药,毕竟药吃多了对身体不好。所以,很多流传的食疗方法就应运而生,那么有哪几个食疗方法?[详细]
2022-12-16 13:08 分类:问答What do people mean when they say (and write) lifecycle testing?
I\'ve been with my current company for about four months now and I\'ve noticed how several of our RnD scopes/documents use the term \"lifecycle testing.\"[详细]
2022-12-16 13:01 分类:问答小儿支气管炎食疗方法?
一股咯 2022-07-02 17:56 小儿支气管炎是小孩子比较容易患上的的疾病,如果感冒咳嗽长期不好,就可能转为小儿支气管炎症。其实这种疾病是可以采用食疗的方法进行治疗的,有一些食物对小儿支气管炎具有不错的[详细]
2022-12-16 12:55 分类:问答How to create a tags box like mixx & delicious?
i tried to search in google but no one talked about this. i want a css solution to create a liquid tag box like the orange ones in this :[详细]
2022-12-16 12:51 分类:问答陈思诚还隐藏了多少技能?网剧《唐人街探案》:“破案”逻辑解析?
2022-12-16 11:31 分类:问答Information criterions in exp smoothing models
What are the numbers of parameters to be penalized for when using information criterions(BIC or AIC or..) for selecting the best models? Let\'s say that we have 3 models: 1. Simple exponential smoothi[详细]
2022-12-16 10:13 分类:问答Encapsulating a (pure Ruby) Ragel parser for infinite streams?
I want to parse a continuous stream of bytes (from a socket) with a state machine using Ragel However, all the Examples I have found are either parsing a complete file in one pass (like the Gherkin l[详细]
2022-12-16 09:57 分类:问答