Dropdown on masterpage. How to get the selected value right
I have a website on with MVC, which has a dropdown in the masterpage. The data in the database is linked to a Year. so every year we get a new clean DB to start with (or so it seems from the website,[详细]
2022-12-21 03:29 分类:问答VirtualPathProvider on IIS 6 does not handle file stream caching correctly
I am working on a framework where .aspx and .master pages are embedded in an assembly, using VirtualPathProvider to route a url to a specific embedded resource.[详细]
2022-12-20 21:52 分类:问答What might cause a Stack Overflow during linq iteration of Dictionary?
I have the following dictionary: Dictionary<long, ChangeLogProcess> _changeLogProcesses = new Dictionary<long, ChangeLogProcess>();[详细]
2022-12-20 04:14 分类:问答求魄开头的成语接龙!?
大明盛世 2022-05-28 08:22 表里如一、一心同体、体无完皮、皮里抽肉、肉朋酒友、友风子雨、雨零星乱、乱世英雄、雄文大手、手足异处、处高临深、深文周内、内峻外和、和蔼近人、人死留名、名过其实、实获我心[详细]
2022-12-18 23:41 分类:问答a problem when get Number type in Dictionary (iPhone)
here is my plist and code > <plist version=\"1.0\"> ><dict> ><key>Title</key>[详细]
2022-12-18 00:32 分类:问答抖音怎么关闭在线状态显示?
2022-12-16 20:34 分类:问答又一玄幻烂剧!剧情尴尬演技差,范丞丞、程潇颜值再高也没用?
2022-12-16 16:12 分类:问答