How do I get the Hibernate reverse engineering tools to generate <bag> or <list> for inverse associations?
I want to add elements to a collection that ends up getting mapped like this: <set name=\"others\" inverse=\"true\" lazy=\"true\" table=\"other\" fetch=\"select\">[详细]
2022-12-19 12:16 分类:问答呐喊这幅画是谁画的呢??
青青子衿1979w 2022-05-24 22:55 开发者_如何学运维《呐喊》创作于1893 年,挪威语Skrik,也译作《尖叫》,是蒙克最著名的代表作。爱德华.蒙克Edvard Munc36开发者_JS百科0U3082491531[详细]
2022-12-19 12:14 分类:问答Is there any way to delay- execute a delegate against an IQueryable<T> after/during execution?
I expose an IQueryable method from my b开发者_JAVA百科usiness layer for use in other layers. I would like to execute a function against each of the items in the enumeration, once the query has execute[详细]
2022-12-19 12:09 分类:问答赫拉公主鲜花闪耀OK!精彩盛典荣获挚爱创意花艺大奖?
此次八周年盛典现场星光灿烂,龚俊、海清、刘敏涛、宋轶、唐晓天、田雨、王鸥、徐璐、颖儿、袁姗姗、张彬彬、朱正廷等众多明星名人闪耀红毯,传递“精彩不设限”的时髦态度。 2021年3月30日,OK!挚爱大赏暨创刊八周年[详细]
2022-12-19 12:08 分类:问答Advice on building a cross-compiler for Xscale ARM?
I am playing around with a PXA270 Xscale development board (similar to the Gumstix), and was provided a cross compiler, but it is GCC 3.3.3.I would like to lea开发者_StackOverflowrn how to build my ow[详细]
2022-12-19 01:29 分类:问答Why does GetLastError() return different codes during debug vs "normal" execution?
try { pConnect = sess->GetFtpConnection(ftpArgs.host, ftpArgs.userName, ftpArgs.password, port, FALSE );[详细]
2022-12-18 19:49 分类:问答漯河哪个医院治疗输卵管堵塞最好?
tsilly-girl 202开发者_JS百科2-05-29 17:17 漯河哪个医院治疗输卵管堵塞最好-漯河不孕不育医院排名?建议到三甲医院检查治疗。如果想要了解目前的输卵管是否通畅,可以通过进行输卵管的碘油造影检查来了解具体[详细]
2022-12-18 19:21 分类:问答国标舞女王刘真病逝一周年 闺蜜杨丽菁发文悼念让人感动?
据台媒,国标舞女王刘真2020年因心脏开刀不敌病魔逝世,享年44岁。 22日是刘真的1周年忌日,闺蜜杨丽菁零时一过,便悄悄在社交网站发文悼念刘真,时间转移流逝,每秒、每分、每个小时。几秒的疼痛感觉像几分钟,开心[详细]
2022-12-18 18:45 分类:问答