How store data when click on map?
I am making an application in which i have map view where map is zoom in. When user click on map then drop an annotation 开发者_StackOverflow社区. When annotation drop on that address then that addres[详细]
2023-03-31 22:44 分类:问答I need a dead simple implementation of MKCircle overlay
I have a small map on my view that I want to drop an MKCircle overlay onto. I have all the coords and radius as I am creating regions for monitoring. I would like to display this region back to the us[详细]
2023-03-31 10:02 分类:问答Get Latitude and Longitude from Annotation view
How do I get the latitude and longitude of an annotationView placed on my mapView? I need to get it when the rightAccessory gets tapped.[详细]
2023-03-31 08:11 分类:问答Do I need to create class implement MKAnnotation protocol for different type to annotation?
I have 2 annotation types say A and B every time I pin a new A annotation I want to delete previous A-pin, but not B-pin this situation is the same with B-pin. Both pins contain just a location and ti[详细]
2023-03-30 09:48 分类:问答MKAnnotation removing (processor heavy)
This function accepts an array of latitude/longitude pairs. It converts all of them into MKAnnotations, then for each of the annotations currently present on the map, it checks if it\'s present in the[详细]
2023-03-29 12:13 分类:问答How to draw a contour overlaid on Mapkit view
is there a way to draw a shape or contour, overlaid on a map kit view, making sure it\'s bound to it so wh开发者_开发问答en the map kit view moves or re-scales it adjusts accordingly?Have look at the[详细]
2023-03-28 02:56 分类:问答Change CenterOffset of an AnnotationView after zooming [duplicate]
This question already has answers h开发者_JAVA百科ere: Closed 10 years ago. Possible Duplicate: MKMapView ignores update of centerOffset in iOS 4[详细]
2023-03-27 22:55 分类:问答iphone mkannotation: warning on left callout after map has loaded
I have a MKMapview loading with maybe 5 annotations (right now). It loads fine, with the annotations as well. Each annotation contains the correct left and right callout. However after a while (maybe[详细]
2023-03-27 15:07 分类:问答Slow down when dealing with MKAnnotations on MKMapView
I\'m stepping thru the annotations on my map, in order to find one which has a certain tag. I then remove this annotation, and add a new one (a diff color)[详细]
2023-03-27 06:08 分类:问答How to insert a button in the MapKit annotation
I am very new to MapKit so forgive me if I do not make sense when I am asking questions. I would like to replicate the default Map application that comes on the iPhone and iPod Touch. There is this fe[详细]
2023-03-27 03:08 分类:问答