

  • OpenGL VBO shader

    I have a 2D VBO object that represent points in 2D space. What is the be开发者_高级运维st way to draw an arbitrary shape at that point? Lets say I wanted to draw a red \'X\' at each.[详细]

    2023-04-08 00:32 分类:问答
  • PIL Image.fromstring from PyOpengl buffer has the wrong size

    I use PyOpenGL to draw a 2D Image. Then I want to use the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to store this image to disk. I use GLUT to display the image which works perfectly. But when I use PIL to store t[详细]

    2023-03-28 19:46 分类:问答
  • glInterleavedArray formats

    I have an interleaved array format and I want to render it in open GL. It is an array of triangles. The vertices are 2D floating points and the colors are RGBA floating points. That is, a single trian[详细]

    2023-03-22 09:42 分类:问答
  • Python PIL Image.tostring()

    I\'m new to Python and PIL. I am trying to follow code samples on how to load an image into to Python through PIL and then draw its pixels using openGL. Here are some line of the code:[详细]

    2023-03-22 01:39 分类:问答
  • A problem with using pyglet and pyopengl together

    I have the following code: import pyglet from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * class Window(pyglet.window.Window):[详细]

    2023-03-17 16:53 分类:问答
  • How to PyOpengl or pyglet to draw on top of desktop?

    I\'m writing an application that is looking to draw basic polygons and ellipses on the Windows 7 desktop using OpenGL. According to this 开发者_StackOverflowprevious question, this is possibly by gett[详细]

    2023-03-16 02:26 分类:问答
  • OpenGL - How does texturing affect shadows/lightning?

    So the question is: when I switch from ColorPointers to Textures, it seems that the lightning/shadows effects are greatly reduced. Some solution that I have found but doesnt do that much is setting gl[详细]

    2023-03-11 20:53 分类:问答
  • OpenGL shaders questions

    I have a running program that uses glVertexPointer, glNormalPointer etc to draw a large number of elements. This works around 30 FPS. Now I\'ve reach a point where integrating shaders would be a viabl[详细]

    2023-03-11 16:00 分类:问答
  • glTexCoordPointer seems to have no effect

    I\'m still trying to get a grasp of using textures and now I\'m trying to use glTexCoordPointer in order to give each vertex a color specifi开发者_StackOverflow中文版c to it\'s class. I\'ve made some[详细]

    2023-03-10 03:38 分类:问答
  • openGL textures beginner question - 1D Texture creation?

    EDIT Ok I added some changes to my texture rendering, and I\'m now at a point that it doesn\'t look how I want it but before I try to change anything I just want to be sure I\'m on the right path. Th[详细]

    2023-03-09 22:08 分类:问答