ploting artefact with points over raster
I noticed some weird behavior when resizing the plot window. Consider library(sp) library(rgeos) library(raster)[详细]
2023-03-05 15:11 分类:问答Creating raster images using R
I am trying to use R to create a raster image from a matrix of data.However, I am getting some weird artifacts on the edge of my image.[详细]
2023-01-20 03:40 分类:问答Checking if vector object will be visible on print with given dpi and print size
I have file (*.shp used in GIS) that contains collection ofpolygons and maybe other vector objects (but polygons are most important for me). I need to remove non printable objects it.[详细]
2022-12-16 08:50 分类:问答