how do you solve this logarithmic inequality in an efficient way?
The inequality is: nlogn <= a (n is natural number, log is based of 10). Question: what is the maximum value of n possible?[详细]
2023-04-05 18:33 分类:问答Python: Pass inequality as string in dict for evaluation
I need to pass inequalities to a function for evaluation within the function. Is there a way to evaluation the inequality if passed as a string? Or must I pass a representation of the i开发者_开发知识[详细]
2023-03-24 21:35 分类:问答SQL Server RowVersion/Timestamp - Comparisons
I know that the value itself for a RowVersion column is not in and of itself useful, except that it changes each time the row is updated. However, I was wondering if they are useful for relative (ineq[详细]
2023-01-31 06:36 分类:问答Should __ne__ be implemented as the negation of __eq__?
I have a class where I want to override the __eq__ method. It seems to make sense that I should override the __ne__ method as well. Should I implement __ne__ as the negation of __eq__ as such or is it[详细]
2023-01-28 16:11 分类:问答!(ReferenceEquals()) vs != in Entity Framework 4
Unless a class specifically overrides the behavior defined 开发者_运维知识库for Object, ReferenceEquals and == do the same thing... compare references.[详细]
2023-01-03 13:48 分类:问答how to effectively run two inequality filters on queries in app engine
I\'m aware that app engine ha开发者_开发技巧s the restriction of \"Inequality Filters Are Allowed On One Property Only\" as described here:[详细]
2023-01-03 07:01 分类:问答Proving that a function f(n) belongs to a Big-Theta(g(n))
Its a exercise that ask to indicate the class Big-Theta(g(n)) the functions belongs to and to prove the assertion.[详细]
2022-12-28 12:03 分类:问答Using the correct, or preferable, not equal operator in MySQL
Which of the two (semantically equivalent) ways is preferable to test for inequality? \'foo\' != \'bar\' (exclamation mark and equals sign)[详细]
2022-12-16 05:17 分类:问答