Are there versions of the C++ STL's associative data structures optimized for numerous partial copies?
I have a large tree that grows as my algorithm progresses.Each node contains set, which I suppose is implemented as balanced binary search tree.Each node\'s set shall remain fixed after that node\'s c[详细]
2023-04-10 08:36 分类:问答Prolog - Balanced tree or not
I want to write a program that tells me if a tree is balanced or not. In this case balanced means same height or a height difference of 1.[详细]
2023-04-02 06:30 分类:问答Left balanced binary trees
I am reading a book on data structures and i开发者_如何转开发t says that a left balanced binary tree is a tree in which the leaves only occupy the leftmost positions in the last level.[详细]
2023-04-01 03:51 分类:问答Balancing String based Binary Search Tree (For Spellchecking)
Update: I can\'t get \"Balancing\" to work, because I cannot get \"doAVLBalance\" to recognize the member functions \"isBalanced()\", \"isRightHeavy()\", \"isLeftHeavy\". And I don\'t know why! I trie[详细]
2023-03-25 10:08 分类:问答Doubt Regarding Function to check whether a tree is balanced or not?
I read in a book named \"Coding Interview Cracked\", that to check whether a BST is balanced or not, just find out the difference betw开发者_开发知识库een the maximum and minimum height but I not sure[详细]
2023-03-25 07:33 分类:问答Modify a BinarySearchTree to be balanced (AVL) : Java
I need to modify a Binary Search Tree that I created to assure that it is balanced. I only need to modify the add and remove methods, according to my instructions. Here\'s what I currently have:[详细]
2023-03-10 04:48 分类:问答AVL Tree Balancing
I am working on an assignment that asks me to implement an AVL tree. I\'m pretty sure I have the rotation methods correct, but I\'m having trouble figuring out when to use them.[详细]
2022-12-15 23:07 分类:问答