How to pass the content of a variable trough an external command in php?
I have a variable that contains a long string. (specifically it contains a few kilobytes of javascript-code)[详细]
2023-04-03 09:29 分类:问答Determine how long a system(), pasthrus(), exec(), operation is taking in php
Want to know how to determine how long a call to system(), passthru(), exec() (either of these) takes. For example. I use system() to call an external program, I would like to time how long it takes s[详细]
2023-04-01 01:04 分类:问答Powershell: how to implement standard switches?
For things like -WhatIf, we have $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess() given to us by the [CmdletBinding] attribute. Are there other such tools or practices for imple开发者_运维百科menting common command line arg[详细]
2023-03-25 12:23 分类:问答Problem in using functions Exec, passthru, System
Hi all dear friends and teachers ... Heart In the design phase of my current project I\'m wrong and I tried Game, unfortunately I missed a positive result.[详细]
2023-03-18 21:35 分类:问答Unable to execute ttf2afm from php
I am working on a project that involves PDF API TCPDF. So I needed an area in admin where site admin can upload and install new fonts to be used with TCPDF.[详细]
2023-03-15 20:14 分类:问答php start php script and continue
At the moment I have a line of code like this: system(\"/usr/bin/php myphpscript.php --param=\".val); Is there a way to make php not wait for the script to finish - and just move on instead?[详细]
2023-03-08 04:35 分类:问答Problem with passthru on server
I have a problem trying to run passthru function in my php code (Joomla module). the code is following (this is only a snippet)[详细]
2023-02-22 16:22 分类:问答webservice reference shenanigans
I have a .net webservice (passthrough WS) that passes through to another one (underlying WS), passing a particular custom object.[详细]
2023-02-14 15:49 分类:问答Mac OSX Convert library (html file to pdf) works via terminal but not PHP
I\'m trying to take a generated html file and convert it to PDF on the fly with PHP. It\'s going开发者_开发技巧 on my localhost and staying there so for the PDF conversion I\'m using a Mac OSX utility[详细]
2023-02-14 10:30 分类:问答Acces passthrough query for large sql table
I have a large table in a mysql database (6 million records). If I link the table, I can open it just fine--it seems like access requests the records as needed. However, if I use a passthrough query,[详细]
2023-02-04 04:09 分类:问答