Php - Dom, Insert HTML_CODE inside nodeValue
$dom= new DOMDocument(\'1.0\', \'iso-8859-1\'); $dom->loadHTML(\' <html><body> <strong>SECOND</strong> </body></html>\');[详细]
2023-04-03 01:35 分类:问答DOMDocument xpath query cut off time
is there a way to cut of the query and return back the results.. preset time to take to get all images from the given url ..i.e. query half of the webpage ? orjob time not greater than 5 seconds, so t[详细]
2023-04-02 05:37 分类:问答php DomXPath - how to get image in current node only and not in child nodes?
i need to get only image that in current node and not in child nodes i want to get only green/yellow/red/black images without not_important.gif image[详细]
2023-03-28 15:22 分类:问答php DomXPath - how to select child node from parent node of current node?
i have a very important question that seem to be difficult for me .. simply i need to select child node from parent node of current node !![详细]
2023-03-28 04:08 分类:问答How to ignore/continue if TD does not contain an image?
I need to continue; if TD does not contain an image. I tried this: if(!$image){continue;} but that did not work.[详细]
2023-03-27 19:34 分类:问答Remove <p><br/></p> with DOMxpath or regex?
I use DOMxpath to remove html tags that have empty text node but to keep <br/> tags, $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);[详细]
2023-03-23 16:25 分类:问答DOMXpath - Get href attribute and text value of an a element
So I have a HTML string like this: <td class=\"name\"> <a href=\"/blah/somename23123\">Some Name</a>[详细]
2023-03-22 15:32 分类:问答DOMXPath $html->query('//p[@class="myclass"]/a')->item(0); not working
DOMXPath $html->query(\'//p[@class=\"myclass\"]/a\')->item(0); is not working. Here is the HTML:[详细]
2023-03-17 07:40 分类:问答XPATH not working on the HTML
I have a code that reads an HTML file from my local web server localhost and then converts it to XHTML with tidy. Then i load that XHTML into my DOM. the code looks like this[详细]
2023-03-10 14:46 分类:问答PHP DOMDocument And DOMXpath
I am trying to find the last paragraph tag in a block of HTML using DOMDocument/DOMXpath but can\'t seem to figure it out.[详细]
2023-03-09 17:18 分类:问答