How to connect strings in MATLAB
I try to do the following: fname = strcat(\'C:\\Users\\user_name\\work\\video\\\',avi_name); videoObject = VideoReader(fname);[详细]
2023-04-12 20:50 分类:问答How to join together some strings with conditions?
I have the next code: string result = string.Join(\",\", someCondition1 ? str1 : string.Empty, someCondition2 ? str2 : string.Empty,[详细]
2023-04-12 20:08 分类:问答Which is a faster approach when iterating over strings in Java and why?
I was going through this question and one of the answers gave 2 options and said the first one is probably faster.[详细]
2023-04-12 20:02 分类:问答php preg_match between bracket
i want to use preg_match to find text between bracket for example: $varx = \"(xx)\";开发者_如何转开发[详细]
2023-04-12 19:54 分类:问答Android ListView filled with String[]
I\'m trying to fill a ListView with a String[]. The problem is that i want to make this filling when i find occurences with another array.[详细]
2023-04-12 19:14 分类:问答find a string and add string
I have multiple looks like: ATOM1244OVAL1607.38111.465-2.6461.00060.7900.000 ATOM1245CBVAL1605.76613.870-0.9141.00057.6400.000[详细]
2023-04-12 18:50 分类:问答how to find duplicate string in an array of strings
I have an array of string from which i have to find duplicate string and then remove that duplicate string like i have string[详细]
2023-04-12 18:44 分类:问答Converting strings into another data type, Python
I have the string \"(0, 0, 0)\". I\'d like to be able to convert this to a tuple. The built in tuple function doesn\'t work for my purposes because it treats each character as an individual item. I wa[详细]
2023-04-12 18:37 分类:问答Recursively verifying if a string is a valid prefix expression?
I\'m rather new to the community but I\'ve seen some helpful posts on here so I thought I\'d ask. I\'ve got a homework question that asks us to recursively check whether a given string is a valid pre[详细]
2023-04-12 18:31 分类:问答Find anagrams JavaScript jQuery
Lets Say I have a list like Dog dOg God doggy dogg Zebra Wood What I want to do is find all the words in the list regardless of case, or regardless of the actual word. I want to match the letters an[详细]
2023-04-12 18:11 分类:问答