How to set ARM user app start address when using USB bootloader?
Just picked up one of these ARM Cortex-M3 LPC1768 mini boards from eBay. It\'s basically a breakout board.[详细]
2023-04-13 09:42 分类:问答GCC alias to function outside of translation unit -AKA- is this even the right tool for the job?
I\'m working with FreeRTOS on an STM32 (Cortex-M3), a开发者_如何学运维nd using the CMSIS library from ST to bootstrap everything.[详细]
2023-04-10 20:28 分类:问答LPC1700 won't wake up from deep sleep
I have firmware running on LPC1754, 59 and 68 + FreeRTOS + CMSIS. I\'d like to be able to put the microcontroller in the lowest power mode possible, but:[详细]
2023-03-09 17:23 分类:问答arm gcc toolchain as arm-elf or arm-none-eabi, what is the difference?
When you build a gcc toolchain there is the possibility to build it asarm-elf or as arm-none-eabi, but what is the difference?[详细]
2023-03-04 05:51 分类:问答Linker script for C++ program for LM3S8962 unhosted using Codesourcery lite toolchain?
Does anyone have a linker script specifically for the Stellaris LM3S8962 board or could explain how to create one?I am using the codesourcery g++ lite toolchain and can successfully create the开发者_运[详细]
2023-02-05 17:30 分类:问答Compile for ARM Cortex M3 using standard GCC?
Is it possible to compile C/C++ code for the ARM Cortex M3 (LPC1768) using vanilla GCC with the --target switch, or will I need to compile GCC, binutils, etc to do this?开发者_JAVA百科As already said,[详细]
2023-02-05 16:59 分类:问答Can Libffi be built for Cortex-M3?
I\'m trying to build the foreign function interface library for a Cortex-M3 processor using GCC. According to[详细]
2023-02-04 06:08 分类:问答"CPU is not halted" and "No APB-AP found" error
When I use JTAG to load my C code to evaluation board, it loads successfully. However, when I executed my code from main(), I immediately got \"CPU is not halted\" error, followed by \"No APB-AP found[详细]
2023-01-14 23:17 分类:问答Output debug via printf on a Cortex-M3 CPU, stalls at BKPT instruction + confusion about JTAG and sw ports
I have a Keil ULINK2USB emulator box attached to the JTAG connector on my board, which is working fine with the Cortex-M3 CPU onboard (TI/Stellaris/LuminaryMicro LM3S series). It seems that both a JTA[详细]
2023-01-06 22:52 分类:问答Debugging Cortex M3 (ARM) Embedded - How do you tell what ISR is being run from xPSR.ISR?
I am debugging a piece of firmware on an arm-family cpu (Cortex M3). The debugger shows the CPU registers, including one called \'xPSR\' which includes a sub-field called \'ISR\'.The mode in the CPU[详细]
2023-01-06 14:13 分类:问答