Is there a canonical, if not core, Gnu Privacy Guard CPAN module?
I\'m looking for the right GPG Perl module to use for a small project. I see there are numerous competing modules providing almost identical functionality, but some have a slew of unaddressed bugs, h开[详细]
2023-01-25 16:18 分类:问答Using the gpgme library from .NET?
This question is actually two questions: How to use the gpgme library in Windows? Are there bindings for .NET available somewhere? (If not, I guess I can make my own.)[详细]
2023-01-25 03:47 分类:问答Command line GPG decrypting using c# - passphrase?
I\'m using the command line to encrypt files that I am sending out but I am trying to figure out how to use the same method to decrypt them.If I run the command it get prompted for the passphrase, but[详细]
2023-01-23 12:57 分类:问答Check encrypted file for empty content
I\'m using gpg to decrypt files sent to me by a vendor. Everything works fine accept for when the content of the encrypted file is empty (the vendor has told me that开发者_运维问答 there is no content[详细]
2023-01-19 22:58 分类:问答Using gpg to sign an RPM as part of a continous build - how do I avoid the prompt for the passphrase?
I have a continuous integration build system that gen开发者_开发技巧erates an RPM via a shell script triggered by cron. I want to sign the RPM with gpg, but gpg insists on the user manually entering t[详细]
2023-01-19 08:00 分类:问答What is the most secure way to encrypt a file with sensitive data?
Can anyone recommend me a way to encode files of sensitive data so that no one can crack them? I will be the only who knows the password.[详细]
2023-01-18 08:09 分类:问答Is there a way to get an installed RPM's signature Key ID programatically?
As displayed by rpm -qi package? I don\'t really want to parse the output of rpm -qi. I\'d much rather use rpm -q --qf, of which I can control the format and is not subjected to a future version\'s a[详细]
2023-01-17 02:08 分类:问答mdc error when decrypting GPG message
I have a client and server system that regularly run scheduled tasks and communicate through xml files that have been encrypted by gpg. All required public keys have been successfully exchanged betwee[详细]
2023-01-16 12:05 分类:问答Find out location of OpenSSL and GnuPG using PHP?
Is there a cross-platform compliant way of finding out the path to the main executables of OpenSSL开发者_高级运维 and GnuPG? Obviously this would be null if the software was not installed or detected.[详细]
2023-01-15 23:39 分类:问答gnupg decryption using public key provided by the vendor
i have installed gnupg on my office desktop(windows server 2008 sp2) and generated the keys and i was able to encrypt and decrypt using the keys(generated by importing third party xxx.asc file)...but[详细]
2023-01-13 21:29 分类:问答