Hot plugging an additional node in OpenMPI cluster
Is it possible to hot plug an additional node (host) into a working OpenMPI app? We\'re talking about production environment where we cannot afford even a 5 second downtime.[详细]
2023-03-08 13:10 分类:问答error handlers in MPICH and OpenMPI
are there any error handlers implemented in OpenMPI and MPICH other than MPI_ERROR_RETURN and MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL? which implementation is better in handling the errors?[详细]
2023-02-28 21:24 分类:问答"MPI_Bcast"er at runtime
How do I do an MPI_Bcast in the case where the broadcaster is decided at runtime? How do I specify the root node in this case?[详细]
2023-02-25 03:51 分类:问答Can you transpose array when sending using MPI_Type_create_subarray?
I\'m trying to transpose a matrix using MPI in C. Each process has a square submatrix, and I want to send that to the right process (the \'opposite\' one on the grid), transposing it as part of the co[详细]
2023-02-23 12:26 分类:问答fault tolerance in MPICH/OpenMPI
I have two questions- Q1. Is there a more efficient way to handle the error situation in MPI, other than check-point/rollback? I see that if a node \"dies\", the program halts abruptly.. Is there any[详细]
2023-02-18 17:40 分类:问答suggest a Benchmark program to compare MPICH and OpenMPI
I am new to HPC and the task in hand is to do a performance analysis and comparison between MPICH and OpenMPI on a cluster which comprises of IBM servers equipped with dual-core AMD Opteron processors[详细]
2023-02-18 07:13 分类:问答mpi_comm_spawn on remote nodes
How does one use MPI_Comm_spawn to start worker processes on remote nodes? Using OpenMPI 1.4.3, I\'ve tried this code:[详细]
2023-01-27 04:03 分类:问答In MPI_Send / MPI_Recv pairs, can data be lost if it isn't synchronised correctly?
Let me explain. Consider 4 slave nodes 1, 2, 3, 4 and a master node 0. Now, 1, 2, 3, 4, need to send data to 0. 0 receives this data in the following format.[详细]
2023-01-26 22:00 分类:问答Why Do All My Open MPI Processes Have Rank 0?
I\'m writing a parallel program using Open MPI. I\'m running Snow Leopard 10.6.4, and I installed Open MPI through the homebrew package manager.[详细]
2023-01-22 21:55 分类:问答What is easier to learn and debug OpenMP or MPI?
I have a number crunching C/C++ application. It is basically a main loop for different data sets. We got access to a 100 node cluster with openmp and mpi available. I would like to speedup the applica[详细]
2023-01-22 11:34 分类:问答