

  • C99: Restricted Pointers to Document Thread Safety?

    This question isn\'t about the technical usage of restricted, more about the subjective usage. Although I might be mistaken as to how restricted technically works, in which case you should feel free t[详细]

    2023-03-20 23:04 分类:问答
  • trying to make a scheme procedure

    trying to make a scheme procedure called make-odd-mapper! its supposed to be a procedure that takes one input, a procedure, and produces a procedure as an output[详细]

    2023-02-18 09:50 分类:问答
  • keeping an argument unchanged in java mehod call

    if I want to call a method like this: List f(List l){ l.add(new Object()); return l; } All is fine except if I call the method, it actually modifies its argument, is there anyway around that?开发者[详细]

    2023-02-12 04:32 分类:问答
  • C# equivalent of Python's id()?

    Is there a C# equivalent to Python\'s id()? If not, how can I test if an object has changed? For example, in Python, a开发者_运维问答n immutable object:[详细]

    2023-01-29 12:04 分类:问答
  • Immutable views of mutable types

    I have a project where I need to construct a fair amount of configuration data before I can execute a process.During the configuration stage, it\'s very convenient to have the data as mutable.However,[详细]

    2023-01-25 01:14 分类:问答
  • Mutable vs Ref variables in terms of capture

    My superficial understanding of variables in f# suggests that declaring a variable to be \'mutable\' and using a \'ref\' variable essentially both do the same thing.They are both different ways to add[详细]

    2023-01-20 16:25 分类:问答
  • Mixed vs. separated class mutability

    In a partially mutable class, is it better to mix mutable fields with its immutable ones, or create a new class (or classes) that encapsulate them?Here\'s an example in C# of what I\'m talking about:[详细]

    2023-01-18 13:06 分类:问答
  • Mutability design patterns in Objective C and C++

    Having recently done some development for iPhone, I\'ve come to notice an interesting design pattern used a lot in the iPhone SDK, regarding object mutability.[详细]

    2023-01-03 10:12 分类:问答
  • Command Pattern vs. Visitor Pattern

    Is it generally acceptable to allow a Visitor to modify state of the Receiver, or should that be 开发者_如何学Pythona Command pattern instead?The purpose of the visitor pattern is to allow new operati[详细]

    2022-12-31 17:03 分类:问答
  • NSMutableArray can't be added to

    I\'ve had this sort of problem before, and it didn\'t get a satisfactory answer. I have a viewcontroller with a property called \"counties\" that is an NSMutableArray. I\'m going to drill down a nav[详细]

    2022-12-30 08:02 分类:问答