Using database functions to transform columns in hibernate criteria
Despite 3 hours of googling and searching the API I can\'t find any reference to whether it\'s possible to use database functions within a hibernate criteria query.To be specific:[详细]
2023-04-13 07:28 分类:问答Why is ColdFusion/Hibernate adding the entity name as a prefix to column names in generated SQL?
I am running ColdFusion 9.01 with all the latest hotfixes applied as of this writing. I\'ve been using ColdFusion 9\'s Hibernate integration on a production site for well over a year and now need to r[详细]
2023-04-13 05:43 分类:问答Custom Join Clause For Hibernate Many To One
Is it possible to tailor the query that hibernate executes when retrieving associations for a given entity? More specifically I would like to add an extra condition to a join clause to cater for a des[详细]
2023-04-13 05:29 分类:问答Data not getting stored in database
I was implementing springs and hibernate annotation in netbeans. When i try to save the data in database it doesn\'t happen. Table is getting created when i launch the application from netbeans but fa[详细]
2023-04-13 04:32 分类:问答Hibernate ResultTransformer with addEntity - what's the correct syntax?
Consider the following query: \"SELECT a.code as code,{locFrom.*} \" + \"FROM audit.auditlogrecord a \" +[详细]
2023-04-13 04:30 分类:问答Hibernate fails to open Connection with Oracle 11g?
I made a basic JUnit test to set up this Oracle database on my computer with hibernate. The database works and everything, but trying to hook it up to Hibernate is proving to be a challenge. My config[详细]
2023-04-13 04:23 分类:问答JPA updatable attribute and JPQL
I have made a couple of observations in my test and I am finding them hard to understand. My tests perform some basic update (or merge) operations on an Entity which has one of its attribute set as up[详细]
2023-04-13 04:03 分类:问答ManyToMany properties
This may be a stupid question or may be asked, But i didnt find which helped me. Can anyone of you guys tell me what these properties described in ManyToMany relation do. And if there are any which i[详细]
2023-04-13 04:01 分类:问答Save null value to many-to-one hibernate relationship error
I have two classes - Person and Department. There is a many-to-one relationship between Person and Department.[详细]
2023-04-13 03:52 分类:问答Best practice for testing Hibernate mappings
I am wondering what people have found their best practice to be for testing Hibernate mappings and queries ?[详细]
2023-04-13 03:43 分类:问答