I need some serious help guys. I got locked out from my sever: some hacker changed my password. However, he wasn\'t able to hack the root account. I still have access but it\'s not enabled in SSH, so[详细]
2022-12-21 07:21 分类:问答How to get shell_exec to run on IIS 6.0
The Problem I have a PHP script that uses shell_exec to run a pdf-to-text converter. To simplify the problem I\'ve created a short script that uses shell_exec to just echo the output of the dir comma[详细]
2022-12-20 11:44 分类:问答Validate if an application is at the server
I have an own webserver and for one of my clients I need to be able to search through PDF\'s. I\'ve asked my hostingprovider to install the xPDF package. Now I\'ve come to testing and I\'m calling thi[详细]
2022-12-18 04:40 分类:问答Securing a string before exec()ing it
I have a PHP app which takes a user-inputted $imageurl and does the following: exec(\'convert \"开发者_开发问答\'.$url.\'\" -thumbnail 80x500 \"images/out.jpg\"\');[详细]
2022-12-17 10:30 分类:问答PHP exec_shell using unrar.exe
I\'m running the following php code; $output = exec(\'\"D:\\TESTDIR\\unrar.exe\" e \"D:\\TESTDIR\\Icons.rar\" -ppassword\');[详细]
2022-12-15 11:49 分类:问答Calling java program dependent on external library
I am trying to call a java program in php to use it with web interface. Java program is dependent on an external lib: commons-cli-1.2.jar[详细]
2022-12-13 05:05 分类:问答