

  • How to use NAudio to join 3 wav files into single file with 3 channels in C#?

    Using C# and NAudio, I have have three wave files I would like to join into a single wave file having three channels, each corresponding to one of the three input files. Furthermore, I would like the[详细]

    2023-03-26 00:45 分类:问答
  • Changing wave format at runtime with NAudio

    I have initialized the device using: staticIWavePlayerwaveOut; staticWaveFormatwaveFormat; staticBufferedWaveProviderwaveProvider;[详细]

    2023-03-22 11:02 分类:问答
  • Playing streamed audio data (C#)

    I an trying to develop a windows application using C# that can play streamed audio data. Basically, I will have a client application that is responsible for playing different audio files. Currently, f[详细]

    2023-03-21 14:51 分类:问答
  • Audio repeater with NAudio

    I\'m implementing a program that reads an audio stream from an input device and sends it to an output device using NAudio. To do that, I get the data from the input stream using WaveIn and its DataAva[详细]

    2023-03-21 09:42 分类:问答
  • Lossless reading from mic

    I\'m using NAudio (but 开发者_开发问答it applies to reading directly) to capture microphone wave data. It seems that if my app is busy it drops/skips some input data from the mic.[详细]

    2023-03-20 05:24 分类:问答
  • WaveMixerStream32 and IWaveProvider

    Is there any way with NAudio to link a WaveMixerStream32 with WaveProviders, rather than WaveStreams? I am streaming multiple network streams, using a BufferedWaveProvider. There do开发者_StackOverflo[详细]

    2023-03-19 06:21 分类:问答
  • Create Clapper software with Naudio

    I\'d like to create a software that listens after claps thru microphone.. my first implementation will be to try to get the software to warn when i hears high volume sound.[详细]

    2023-03-16 09:38 分类:问答
  • Playing a Midi file with time offset in C#

    I\'m currently trying to walk through a midi file as a song plays, with the midi file \"playing\" a few milliseconds ahead of the song. In greater detail, I\'m visualizing the notes of the song by sli[详细]

    2023-03-16 05:55 分类:问答
  • NAudio and Midi file reading

    I\'m posting my question here as it was suggested to do so on the NAudio page(http://naudio.codeplex.com/documentation).[详细]

    2023-03-15 02:27 分类:问答
  • Streaming non-PCM raw audio using NAudio

    I\'m hell bent on making this work with NAudio, so please tell me if there\'s a way around this. I have streaming raw audio coming in from a serial device, which I\'m trying to play through WaveOut.[详细]

    2023-03-13 23:18 分类:问答