Running a lot of jobs with sun grid engine
I want to run a very large number (~30000) of jobs with Sun Grid Engine. I can theoretically, perform 30000 times the \"qsub\" command to submit jobs. However, I am afraid that will be too mu开发者_J[详细]
2023-01-04 07:35 分类:问答access a file in python that is created from SunGridEngine
i have a python script, that submits an job to the SGE (Sun Grid Engine). When the job is done i want to access the output file, generated from the SGE job.[详细]
2022-12-28 20:18 分类:问答啥情况?豆瓣!你怎么了?豆瓣暂停回复功能?
2022-12-21 22:10 分类:问答how to use array in django
I have a db table which has an integer array. But how can I add this field in my model? I tried writing it using IntegerField but on save it is giving error[详细]
2022-12-19 16:55 分类:问答how to change the default shell for the sun grid engine
The sun grid engine defaults to csh, and you have to put this: #$ -S /bin/sh into scripts to avoid it. What global configuration setting would 开发者_如何学JAVAchange this default?qconf -sql (to list[详细]
2022-12-15 14:24 分类:问答Avoid generating empty STDOUT and STDERR files with Sun Grid Engine (SGE) and array jobs
I am running array jobs with Sun Grid Engine (SGE). My carefully scripted array job workers generate no stdout and no stderr when they function properly. Unfortunately, SGE insists on creating an em[详细]
2022-12-15 08:44 分类:问答Condor, Sun Grid Engine, or something else?
I\'m trying to work out whether we s开发者_如何学Chould try out Condor or Sun Grid Engine at work (or possibly something else).[详细]
2022-12-13 04:26 分类:问答Troubleshooting SIGTERMs with tee on a cluster within SGE jobs
I have some legacy scientific code running on a Rocks cluster, with SGE. I have an application-specific job submission script that generates qsub scripts (i.e. the script which Sun Grid Engine takes a[详细]
2022-12-12 11:33 分类:问答