QSUB a process for every file in a directory?
I\'ve been using qsub -t 1-90000 to submit my tasks on a Sun GridEngine cluster, but now find myself with data sets (super large ones, too) which are not so conveniently named. What\'s[详细]
2023-04-01 05:54 分类:问答How to write a CVS wrapper script
I\'d like to write a CVS wrapper script that executes the command on another machine using RSH but am having trouble with quotes.[详细]
2023-03-08 03:48 分类:问答qalter to remove an advanced reservation
I 开发者_开发百科would like to create an array job where the tasks don\'t all execute at the same time. The tasks will be enabled by some future command. The reason that I need this feature is that I[详细]
2023-03-05 13:16 分类:问答matlab distributed computing with sge(qsub)
Recently I got access to run my codes on a cluster. My code is totally paralleizable but I don\'t know how to best use its parallel nature. I\'ve to compute elements of a big matrix and each of them a[详细]
2023-02-28 09:40 分类:问答When I start an Array Job on Sun Grid Engine, how can I know how long it took?
When I start an Array Job on Sun Grid Engine, how can I get an information later how long all the jobs took? I.e. I want to know how long it took from the moment when I submitted the jub, until the mo[详细]
2023-02-28 01:28 分类:问答SGE - QSUB fails to submit jobs in -sync mode
I have a perl script that prepares files for input to a binary program and submits the execution of the binary program to the SGE queueing system version 6.2u2.[详细]
2023-02-08 10:55 分类:问答loading library on cluster
I successfully compiled a program in c++, with boost, on a cluster we have here. I need to run an SGE script to run the simulation. The error I get is this[详细]
2023-02-05 19:46 分类:问答Redirect output to different directories for sun grid engine array jobs
I\'m running a lot of jobs with Sun Grid Engine. Since these are a jobs (~100000), I would like to use array jobs, which see开发者_开发知识库ms to be easier on the queue.[详细]
2023-01-15 21:42 分类:问答Spreading a job over different nodes of a cluster in sun grid engine (SGE)
I\'m tryin get sun gridending (sge) to run the separate processes of an MPI job over all of the nodes of my cluster.[详细]
2023-01-09 04:30 分类:问答Getting the exit code from a process submitted with qsub on Sun Grid Engine
I would like to submit jobs via qsub on Sun Grid Engine (now: Oracle Grid Engine?).I do not wish to use the -sync yes option or qrsh, because I want my controlling program to be single-threaded and ab[详细]
2023-01-04 12:47 分类:问答