Is classOf[] in Scala 2.8 different from 2.7?
I have an interface from Java public class IJava { .开发者_运维技巧.. public java.lang.Class getType();[详细]
2022-12-27 18:41 分类:问答Java: Subclassing a genericised class
I have a genericised class that I wish to subclass as follows: public class SomeTable<T extends BaseTableEntry>[详细]
2022-12-18 11:39 分类:问答Java: .class file and java.lang.Class
Is java.lang.Class the same as the actual .class file? i.e. is the content equivalent? I want to send the .class over socket, and was wondering if instead of trying to find and load the actual .class[详细]
2022-12-12 04:43 分类:问答