How to install XML::Twig for Windows XP
I tried installing XML::Twig using ppm and also开发者_Go百科 tried manually by adding files in the perl/lib folder, also tried using Nmake but got an error[详细]
2023-04-09 19:51 分类:问答Where can I download ActivePerl PPM .zip's or .ppd's? I can't find them anywhere.
I need to download ActivePerl PPM .zips or .ppd\'s so I can install the MongoDB perl driver on machines that do not have an internet connection. The problem is that all of the links I find in document[详细]
2023-03-26 20:21 分类:问答ActivePerl on Windows/Apache performance problems
I would like to ask you for help. In our company, we have installed Bugzilla 4.0 on Windows machine. For running perl, w开发者_运维百科e are currently using ActivePerl.The problem is, that we have aro[详细]
2023-03-11 15:03 分类:问答how create date type of vbs in perl?
I have a dcom function need to be fed with date type. I\'d like to call it in my perl script, but I have no idea to create date typ开发者_开发技巧e in perl.[详细]
2023-02-26 03:14 分类:问答Installing WWW::Curl on WIndows 7, running into "List form of pipe open not implemented"
Trying to install WWW:Curl on Windows.So far I\'ve done all of the following as per this page:[详细]
2023-02-19 05:37 分类:问答Compiling WWW::Curl on ActivePerl
I\'m trying (desperately) to build / install the newest version of WWW::Curl onto my activeperl box (I\'ll explain in a moment why I don\'t use the PPM)[详细]
2023-02-18 08:01 分类:问答Perl (difference between windows and linux)
I use the following Perl code without any problems in Ubuntu, but when I try it in XP using activeperl it hangs, no error messages, just a blank screen. Are there any issues I should be aware of when[详细]
2023-02-16 03:01 分类:问答Why does STDIN cause my Perl program to freeze?
I am learning Perl and wrote this script to practice using STDIN. When I run the script, it only shows the first print statement on the console. No matter what I type in, including new lines, the cons[详细]
2023-01-20 10:21 分类:问答How can I manually Installing DBD-Oracle 1.17 in ActivePerl on Windows?
After installing Active Perl 5.8.8 Build 822 on WindowsXP, I do not see DBD-Oracle in \"View All Packages\" of Perl Package Manager.[详细]
2023-01-20 06:13 分类:问答How can I install ActivePerl in Windows?
I am new to perl scripting. I have a Perl program I would like to run in Windows XP. I heard that ActivePerl tool is used to run Perl scrips in Windows.[详细]
2023-01-15 12:21 分类:问答