How to get XML data into mongodb using Rails 3?
I\'ve got XML data which I want to be saved in a mongodb. I\'m using RESTClient to perfom a POST on the resource. The HTML status code returns that it was created. However all fields are \"nil\". What[详细]
2023-03-31 14:13 分类:问答Mongo mapper (Mongo DB) embedded document multiple field searching
\"user_crawls\": { \"0\": { \"_id\": ObjectId(\"4e4b5e1c151c0d0336000093\"), \"rand_id\": \"kPxMuXOY8Jfh6nXt\",[详细]
2023-03-30 19:10 分类:问答Is there a (code-design) reason to not embed classes when designing MongoMapper models?
This question relates to using Ruby on Rails 3 with MongoMapper and EmbeddedDocument. Also, the ManyAssociation.[详细]
2023-03-30 18:25 分类:问答"Couldn't forward the HTTP response back to the HTTP client: It seems the user clicked on the 'Stop' button in his browser."
Take a look at the code on GitHub. What\'s happening is I try to create a Schedule (one of the models) and it is suddenly failing to do anything. Using the built-in Padrino server, it is not outputti[详细]
2023-03-30 12:04 分类:问答MongoMapper OR clause on 2 columns - Rails 3.1.rc4
How to perform something like this: User.where(\"private = 1 开发者_开发知识库OR beta = 0\") See:[详细]
2023-03-30 03:23 分类:问答awesome nested set for rails 3 using mongomapper
i want to use awesome nested set for rails 3 using mongomapper in my app.i have seen mongo nested set gem and added it to my gemfile and bundle install.[详细]
2023-03-28 20:30 分类:问答MongoMapper: Get all models
Does anyone know of an easy way to fetch the class names of all models that have MongoMapper::Document included?[详细]
2023-03-28 12:47 分类:问答How to setup MongoMapper Observer
I\'m trying to create some mongo mapper observer. I found a class exit for that :[详细]
2023-03-27 02:19 分类:问答Get child dict values use Mongo Map/Reduce
I have a mongo collection, i want get total value of \'number_of_ad_clicks\' by given sitename, timestamp and variant id. Because we have large data so it would be better use map/reduce. Could any guy[详细]
2023-03-26 19:31 分类:问答MongoMapper + Cascade Deletes?
Does MongoMapper with Identity Map support cascade deletes? It doesn\'t really seem to, but I could be missing something somewhere in documentation. Consider the following:[详细]
2023-03-26 07:52 分类:问答