How do I check mysql user have privileges like root user
I use mysql c++ wrapper in client side to connect to mysql server. When user establishes connection to mysql server I want to know whether the user have 开发者_如何学Goprivileges like root (i.e. GRANT[详细]
2022-12-23 00:18 分类:问答羊肉汤多少钱啊?羊肉汤多少钱一份?
覃志辉 开发者_如何学JAVA 2022-05-05 12:26 一般也就十块钱~有的不到十块!贵的话不超过20块钱的[详细]
2022-12-22 07:39 分类:问答Doing a find and replace of a span in jquery
Ok i have the following code in jquery. I want to do a find and replace in jquery, I want to find the first span and replace it with avariable. So my question is how would i go about finding the first[详细]
2022-12-21 20:16 分类:问答我要像梦一样自由是什么歌的歌词?谁唱的??
宇转好帖鄙 开发者_运维知识库 2022-05-09 22:28 禅啸1906:车水马如龙的街道清晨第一缕阳光照耀的街道吃着早餐的行人忙碌的上班族衣衫褴褛的我失魂落魄的站在十字路口不知所措人生潮起潮落一场繁华落幕的表演好[详细]
2022-12-21 16:46 分类:问答预估8月将开播的新剧,从现代偶像剧到古装虐恋剧,各种题材聚集?
2022-12-21 16:07 分类:问答学绣眉多少钱啊?纹眉培训学费需要多少钱?
邹伟政 2022-05-11 01:51 纹绣培训的内容、时间、费用都不一样,每个地区的消费水平也不一样,没有标准,一般而言,看你了解的机构的学习内容,自己多做对比。纹绣要学的内容,包括纹眉、纹眼线、漂唇、洗眉、[详细]
2022-12-21 11:47 分类:问答Rails basics - counting most used values
A widget has_one type, and type has_many widgets.I\'d like to count which types are the most commonly assigned to my widgets (top 3 used).[详细]
2022-12-20 23:25 分类:问答Replace urls with the shortened version - Ruby
Replacing the urls in a block of plain text is done by looking for url regular expressions. I开发者_Go百科 am using string.gsub(regex, \"\\1\") to achieve the same.[详细]
2022-12-20 20:34 分类:问答XMPP server does not respond to Smack login request
I\'m trying to establish a connection to an XMPP server using smack. ConnectionConfiguration cf = new ConnectionConfiguration(\"\");[详细]
2022-12-20 09:29 分类:问答