Disabling/enabling an application menu item
In trying to learn the very fundamentals of menu handling. My test app\'s menubar has 3 menus -- namel开发者_JAVA百科y \"TestApp\", \"File\" and \"Help\". I find I can remove these menus entirely, sim[详细]
2022-12-17 10:48 分类:问答How to programmatically make cocoa application active
I\'ve got a background process that makes a transparent window appear when a hotkey is pressed: [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];[详细]
2022-12-13 20:58 分类:问答Deactivate agent app after launch in Cocoa
What method should be called to deactivate an app right after it\'s launch in applicationDidFinishLaunching: delegate method has been called? Or maybe there is a better place to do that? The documenta[详细]
2022-12-11 06:31 分类:问答