Building WysiHat from source?
I\'m trying to build 37 Signals\' WYSIWYG javascript framework from its source. (I\'m not a rails developer but I thought this would be fairly easy).[详细]
2023-03-17 18:34 分类:问答In broad prespective, how to go about creating a write board like 37signals?
I am at the beginning stages of rails and wanted to build something like 37Signals write board just so I can learn and feel \"accomplished\"开发者_运维知识库 but don\'t know where to begin on the foll[详细]
2023-03-13 22:57 分类:问答Highrise API Example. help
I am trying to get the highrise api working with my project.total noob. I have an account, have my api key,added to my rails project like so in my controller.[详细]
2023-01-12 14:00 分类:问答Re-designing 37signals paths to be hosted under a single domain
37signals is a web app company. Some of their applications: basecamp, to manage projects highrise, to manage contacts[详细]
2022-12-23 21:46 分类:问答Coldfusion Password Protected RSS Feeds
I\'开发者_如何学Cm interested in Password protecting my apps RSS Feeds. So when you load a RSS feed url in the browser the browser\'s default dialog asks for a login and password.[详细]
2022-12-22 12:31 分类:问答37 Signals Style Lightbox | How to do this?
Does anyone know how 37 Signals built the pop ups for image previews that are now in basecamp? I really like how quickly they load and the fact that the whole page doesn\'t get \"light-boxed\" and the[详细]
2022-12-11 05:57 分类:问答