Code generation from WSDL using XML Catalog
Is there any tool for generating Java code from WSDL using X开发者_JS百科ML Catalogs? The problem is that I have wsdl files that import XML schemas which also import other schemas and the schemas are[详细]
2022-12-18 17:34 分类:问答Apache Axis: How to set call properties using code generated from wsdl2java?
I\'m using Apache Axis 1.4 (yes, the old one), with wsdl2java to generate the client code for a webservice. I\'d like to set additional properties on the Call object before calling methods on the gene[详细]
2022-12-18 09:08 分类:问答tell wsdl2java not to generate code if file is not modified since last code was generated
basically i am using ant to generate webservice client and server stubs. We don\'t change wsdl as frequently as our java code. But since wsdl2java generated code is always new, javac target always com[详细]
2022-12-15 04:24 分类:问答wsdl2java ant task: howto include wsdl file name in java file comment
We\'re generating Java files from WSDL descripitons using the axis-wsdl2java ant task. <axis-wsdl2java url=\"${src.dir.etc}/wsdl/BLAH.wsdl\"[详细]
2022-12-11 05:13 分类:问答