What is the advantage of integrating Hbase and Hive
Recently, I came across a blog where the author mentioned about integrating Hbase and Hive. Will this be possible开发者_JAVA技巧 and if so what is the advantage of using both(in terms of performance a[详细]
2023-02-02 16:18 分类:问答Easiest non-Java way to write HBase MapReduce on CDH3?
I\'ve been working on this for a long time, and I feel very worn out; I\'m hoping for an [obvious?] insight from SO community that might get my pet project back on the move, so I can stop kicking myse[详细]
2023-02-01 21:50 分类:问答hbase error: "10/12/26 06:48:07 INFO ipc.HbaseRPC: Server at / could not be reached after 1 tries, giving up."
Dose anyone know what\'s wrong with hbase? I am using vm image of cloudera distribution for hadoop, previously it was working fine but now giving me this error after every second when i try to list al[详细]
2023-02-01 10:23 分类:问答hbase: error in starting master
I\'m ge开发者_开发百科tting the following error while starting the hbase master: java.net.BindException: Problem binding to / : Cannot assign requested address[详细]
2023-02-01 07:54 分类:问答Where can I find a HBase cascading module for hbase-0.89.20100924+28?
I am working on a project using map reduce and HBase. We are using Cloudera’s CDH3 distribution which has hbase-0.89.20100924+28 bundled[详细]
2023-01-31 17:32 分类:问答What exactly is the zookeeper quorum setting in hbase-site.xml?
What exactly is the zookeeper quorum setti开发者_如何学JAVAng in hbase-site.xml?As described in hbase-default.xml, here\'s the setting:[详细]
2023-01-31 00:51 分类:问答HBase record lost upon closing
HI, I install Hbase 0.89 (oct release) using local files开发者_C百科ystem, for dev and test purpose. I created few tables and rows using hbase shell. somehow whenever i restart hbase, no data/table av[详细]
2023-01-30 09:55 分类:问答Data Visualization & HBase
Greetings, I have been looking through the questions on this site and I haven\'t found any related questions.[详细]
2023-01-25 20:18 分类:问答Difference between a row-oriented and column-oriented databases in dealing information retrieval
Recently, I started working on HBase (one of the column-oriented databases). While going through the source code, one question keeps popping in my head. Thought of asking this.[详细]
2023-01-24 18:05 分类:问答Using HBase to store time series data
We are trying to use HBase to store time-series data. The model we have currently stores the time-series as versions within a cell. This implies that the cell could end up storing millions of versions[详细]
2023-01-24 14:27 分类:问答