Monkey Patch Date class the best option?
In my app, I want to support a blank date field as meaning \"some indefinite date in the future\", both upon entry and viewing.Since I\'m storing this in the database and nil sorts before any non-nil[详细]
2023-03-13 15:33 分类:问答Where to you monkey patch the Django user model?
I want to monkey patch the user model from Django. My code: from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth.models import User[详细]
2023-03-13 05:00 分类:问答How does extending classes (Monkey Patching) work in Python?
class Foo(object): pass foo = Foo() def bar(self): print \'bar\' = bar #bar Coming from JavaScript, if a \"class\" prototype was augmented with a certain attribute. It is known t[详细]
2023-03-11 04:33 分类:问答Why is it frowned upon to modify JavaScript object's prototypes?
I\'ve come across a few comments here and there about how it\'s frowned upon to modify a JavaScript object\'s prototype? I personally don\'t see how it could be a problem. For instance extending the A[详细]
2023-03-09 23:18 分类:问答memcache error illegal character in key (Ruby 1.8.7 / Rails 2.3.9)
I am getting the following error in one of my rails app [Ruby 1.8.7 + Rails 2.3.9] A ArgumentError occurred in home#dashboard:[详细]
2023-03-08 13:46 分类:问答Monkey patch __del__ to new function
For specific debugging purposes I\'d li开发者_运维知识库ke to wrap the del function of an arbitrary object to perform extra tasks like write the last value of the object to a file.[详细]
2023-03-06 13:56 分类:问答JRuby - Monkeypatching as poor man's security manager?
Is there any thing wrong with selectively monkey-patching all Ruby core classes (File, Kernel, IO etc) to create a sort of access control?[详细]
2023-03-01 21:19 分类:问答What monkeypatch creates the private method split?
The questions Ruby: Private method called for 3:Fixnum and private method `split' called for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) mention private methods split for Fixnum and NilClass objects respectively[详细]
2023-02-27 03:54 分类:问答Open classes in a module
I know I can execute the following to add methods to the String class class String def do_something puts self.size[详细]
2023-02-25 19:47 分类:问答How to monkeypatch an existing gem (Rails engine)?
I\'m getting started with Ruby and Rails 3. There is a Rails Engine (packaged as a Gem) that I would like to use but it doesn\'t work exactly as I would like it to. I want to make some slight modifica[详细]
2023-02-23 01:29 分类:问答