Manipulating maps
Given a set of floorplans (in Autocad, sv开发者_如何学运维g, or whatever format need be...), I would like to programatically generate directions from point A to point B.Basically I would like to say:[详细]
2023-01-10 04:19 分类:问答Data persistance in class library between one class methods
I am creating a class library for AutoCAD with .NET. The problem is that the methods are called one after another from AutoCAD and first one reads input file and creates List of data in memory. Howev[详细]
2023-01-07 17:34 分类:问答How does one parse and convert AutoCAD MText entity to raw text?
I would like to parse AutoCAD\'s MText entity and extract the raw text. I see a pattern in the way the text is formatted. If this has already been solved, then I would not need to reinvent the wheel.[详细]
2023-01-05 12:53 分类:问答Developing plugins for AutoCAD? [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be 开发者_高级运维more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.[详细]
2023-01-04 12:59 分类:问答-
Is there an easy way to convert autocad polygons to adobe swf format?
I am looking for a easy way to convert Autocad polygons to swf files. Is there a converter for开发者_开发百科 that? Or is there an intermediatory format that can be used to convert from polygons to th[详细]
2022-12-31 09:42 分类:问答 C# Drawing Oracle Spatial Geometries
I need to create a simple app which can display geometries from Oracle Spatial in C#. These geometries are exported from AutoCAD Map 3D 2010 to Oracle Spatial.[详细]
2022-12-30 10:14 分类:问答Importing AutoCAD/Solidworks drawings/objects into winforms?
Has anybody done anything like that? I need to import 3d objects, done in either AutoCAD or Solidworks, and draw them into a windows form. I only need the object to be viewed in 3D and moved开发者_开[详细]
2022-12-27 01:23 分类:问答Are there any libraries for parsing AutoCAD files?
Are there any libraries (preferably open-source) for parsi开发者_开发问答ng AutoCAD files (DWG or DXF)?Well,[详细]
2022-12-26 20:02 分类:问答autocad多少钱啊??
qkoufu8182 开发者_如何学JAVA2022-04-02 20:06 截止2020年6月,CAD分国产和国外,目前市场上就Autocad以及中望duCAD两大主流。Autocad是按年收费,一年价格在14000左右,中望daoCAD永久买断。价格在6800左右。[详细]
2022-12-26 19:42 分类:问答.NET Interface with AutoCAD -- SetXData errors
I am trying to use the SetXData method on the AutoCAD 2007 COM object, but it is throwing errors. Example Test:[详细]
2022-12-25 23:11 分类:问答