How can I use my custom types (C++) in an objective-c project with xcode?
I have a few classes I wrote to deal with numbers having units transparently as if they were just ints or floats. In a nutshell:[详细]
2023-03-05 19:01 分类:问答How to store a cfdictionaryref into an NSDictionary
I am trying to store the parameters of an audiounit into an NSDictionary using the following method. OSStatus AudioEngineModel::getParameterStateOfEffect(NSInteger nEffectID, CFDictionaryRef * pcfDic[详细]
2023-03-04 21:17 分类:问答Objective C and Objective C++
C files can be modified from .c to .m files and can be called from other Objective C files (.m files).[详细]
2023-03-03 08:36 分类:问答Are unreachable objects safe from collection for any time after becoming unreachable?
I\'m storing some Obj-C objects in a C++ data structure. Since I\'m running under garbage collection and my objects are only reachable via the C++ structure, I\'m calling CFRetain() to root each objec[详细]
2023-03-02 04:40 分类:问答NSLog on .mm file
How do I print out something to the debugger console if the file is of .mm extension? I开发者_运维百科 tried NSLog and printf but none shows anything on the debugger console.NSLog works just fine in[详细]
2023-03-02 02:33 分类:问答Using C++ objects/classes with Objective C protocol
Hi trying the compile Objective C++/Protocol code but the compilation fails with error “Expected declaration specifier before protocol” and similar error for all the objective c line of code in the[详细]
2023-03-01 00:58 分类:问答Error switching from vector<float> to vector<short>
I have an app I\'m making where I would like to change a vector I\'m creating from float to short. My code is in a header file like this:[详细]
2023-02-28 13:22 分类:问答Cocos2D getChild caused not declared in scope error
When trying to compile the following code for iphone in xcode void removeGrid(int x,int y) { //for(id *item in self) {[详细]
2023-02-28 01:56 分类:问答How to detect C++ compiler with macro in Xcode?
I\'m mixing Objective-C (*.m) and Objective-C++ (*.mm) source files in an iOS project. When I import a C++ header file in a *.m file how can I exclude the C++-specific code 开发者_如何学编程in the hea[详细]
2023-02-26 02:11 分类:问答Flexible Array Members on iOS in Objective-C++
I am working on some core audio code and have a problem that could be solved by a variable array in a struct--a la Flexible Array Members. In doing a bit of looking around, I see that there is a lot o[详细]
2023-02-23 06:25 分类:问答