Drawing route/lines on a custom map image (iphone)
I have a custom map image of an area.. There are about 9 regions and the number of distinct lines needed is only 11 (based on all possible routes).[详细]
2023-03-18 10:35 分类:问答How would I use a method from another class?
I have a class with a specific uisearchbar method.. How would I use the same method in another view (i.e. another class) that has another uisearchbar... Besides simply copying over the code? Would sub[详细]
2023-03-17 23:38 分类:问答objective-c++: is it possible to define a c++ class with a method which returns objective-c classes and uses covariant returns?
**Edit: this only happens with llvm; gcc supports this just fine. Consider the following. Objective-c classes A and B.[详细]
2023-03-17 13:47 分类:问答How to design the UI for two data point inputs for routing
I have a large list of items (about 500) on my iphone app.. I am creating a custom map which uses the user\'s input of a \"to\" and \"from\" locations (places).. I am brainstorming the best way to col[详细]
2023-03-17 01:44 分类:问答Remove overlay view on touch
I defined a UIview as an overlay view: self.disableViewOverlay = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f,44.0f,320.0f,416.0f)];[详细]
2023-03-17 00:38 分类:问答NSString weakly holding const char * of std::string
What\'s the safest way for a NSString to weakly contain a const char * belonging to a std::string?Both examples below开发者_JAVA百科 work on a simple test, in logs, and as presented in a NSTableView,[详细]
2023-03-16 13:53 分类:问答Objective-C++ block vs Objective-C block
In Objective-C I have the valid code: TestTwo.h: @interface TestTwo : NSObject -(void)test; @end TestTwo.m:[详细]
2023-03-16 12:39 分类:问答Cocoa How to display Informative Message
I need to display informative mess开发者_JAVA百科age box in Cocoa Application, which control should i use,[详细]
2023-03-16 12:24 分类:问答Sharing `Static` Methods Between Classes in a Single File in Objective-C
I am baffled by a static method whose definition apparently lives in one class, but whose declaration is shared between several classes in the same file.Can it be shared between files somehow?[详细]
2023-03-14 07:50 分类:问答Objective-C++ / Cocoa attempt to create a window with button, not working?
I\'m supposed to create a c++ class with c++ methods, that are made of objective-c and use cocoa, but now I\'ve ran into a problem, and simply can\'t figure it out, cause I\'m pretty new at objective-[详细]
2023-03-13 01:08 分类:问答