

  • Using Date & StrToTime

    I\'ve been using the following bit of code without any issues till it finally landed on a windows server and decided to produce an error:[详细]

    2023-02-04 05:51 分类:问答
  • php strtotime convert wrong date

    I wonder why after convert date to time in second, then convert back, result is wrong??? $br= \"<br>\";[详细]

    2023-02-01 10:04 分类:问答
  • Getting first weekday in a month with strtotime

    I\'m trying to figure out the first wednesday of a given month using strtotime, but the \"first wednesday\" argument fails whenever the first wednesday happens to fall on the 1st.[详细]

    2023-01-29 02:29 分类:问答
  • Time Bug (My Script) PHP

    I\'ve got this weird bug happening.I\'m basically just adding a few minutes to a time formatted like \'12:20pm\' with the开发者_如何学运维 following function...[详细]

    2023-01-28 04:05 分类:问答
  • PHP Function Strtotime

    I am passing a date in \"Y-m-d H:i\" format to strtotime and it is returning 5hou开发者_如何学JAVArs 30 minutes less in result.Make sure you set the timezone correctly. You can use date_default_timezo[详细]

    2023-01-27 02:51 分类:问答
  • Working days (Mon-Fri) in PHP

    Is there a way to use strtotime开发者_运维知识库 to add working days (Monday to Friday) to a date? Or some other method? What I want to do is:[详细]

    2023-01-26 20:21 分类:问答
  • Basic PHP timezones conversion

    I have looked at previous questions and nothing seems to fit what I require. I am working on a scheduling system and now the client wants to add timezones.[详细]

    2023-01-25 03:55 分类:问答
  • PHP: DATETIME help

    I know there\'s ample information about datetimes on the internet but I\'m having trouble using what I\'ve been seeing.[详细]

    2023-01-25 00:42 分类:问答
  • php strtotime "last monday" if today is monday?

    I want to use strtotime(\"last Monday\"). The thing is, if today IS MONDAY, what does it return? It see开发者_JAVA技巧ms to be returning the date for the monday of last week. How can I make it retur[详细]

    2023-01-24 06:00 分类:问答
  • Finding days between 2 unix timestamps in php

    Hay, i have a database holding events. There are 2 fields \'start\' and \'end\', these contain timestamps. When an admin enters these dates, they only have the ability to set the day,month,year. So we[详细]

    2023-01-22 22:31 分类:问答