MvcContrib FluentHtml With Razor?
I\'m wondering does the latest release of MvcContrib work with the Razor view engine? I referenced the MvcContrib assembly and the FluentHtml assembly, then I added the required namespace to the ~/Vie[详细]
2023-02-19 19:19 分类:问答Anyone had success with EditorFor Templates using FluentHtml?
I know it\'s a long shot, but i wondered if anyone has had any success with using FluentHtml inside an editorFor Template.[详细]
2023-02-03 01:00 分类:问答How to set Foreign Key object using Entity Framework and FluentHtml
What I\'m looking to do is set a Foreign Key object in an EF entity via FluentHtml. I have an entity of Foo with a reference to the object Bar via Foo.Bar. What I am trying to do is set the value of B[详细]
2022-12-10 11:13 分类:问答