How to put SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.myTable ON statement
What I need to do is have a SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.myTable ON statement, what\'s开发者_JAVA技巧 the syntax of using the above statement in a c# app?It\'s just the same as any other bit of SQL:[详细]
2023-01-09 19:55 分类:问答Using IDENTITY_INSERT with EF4
I am trying to create a record in the db that has a predefined primary key value. I know how to do this with sql, but I was wondering if EF can do this for me? Otherwise, I开发者_JS百科 will have to c[详细]
2023-01-09 07:50 分类:问答Which command would replace IDENTITY INSERT ON/OFF from SQLServer in Oracle?
I have to migrate this query (simplified here) from T-SQL to ORACLE SET IDENTITY_INSERT table ON INSERT INTO table (id, value) VALUES (1, 2)[详细]
2022-12-29 04:02 分类:问答I set IDENTITY_INSERT to ON but I get a SqlException saying it's OFF
I\'m trying to grab thousands of invoices (and other stuff) from a text file and insert them into SQL Server 2008.I wrote a little console app to do this and it uses LINQ to SQL.After I insert all the[详细]
2022-12-15 05:37 分类:问答Forcing an identity insert with NHibernate / Fluent Nhibernate
We have a fairly robust system using NHibernate, we\'re in the middle of migrating from a single databas开发者_JAVA技巧e server to having two servers, one for administration and one for our public fac[详细]
2022-12-10 08:34 分类:问答